Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Why, Barack, why?

You're just a junior senator frol Illinois, barely wet behind the ears
nationally and unknown internationally.
Yet today you announce intent to explore running for the Big Gig.
My hope is that this is mainly to give you a real national stage, to
secure some name recognition for the next time around. Or the time
after that.
So please, just jump in the small puddle and get your feet wet. Splash
around on the national stage. Then get out, and let the folks whose
experience is not lacking fight for your support.

1 comment:

Erica Ridley said...

Hey, pws--

You were one of the few people to post something negative about my "hook" on Miss Snark's Crapometer, and I was hoping you wouldn't mind being a little more specific about what you didn't like.

I want to make my queries the best they can be (yikes, I sound like the army) so if you have any insight, I'd really appreciate it.

On MS's blog, you said: "I read the comments, re-read the post, and wish I'd stopped where I originally did. It doesn't sound like a novel."

If you wouldn't mind giving me feedback a little more detailed than that, I've got the hook up on my blog and would love it if you left a comment with your ideas and suggestions.

Thanks in advance,


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