Tuesday, March 27, 2007

MMS Keynote

I could go on about the MMS Keynote, but this guy here did a much better job of taking notes during the presentation.
Various conversations with Microsoft personell over the last few months had left me convinced that they were buying Jalasoft, and that would be announced this week. Suffice to say, I was wrong.
No wonder the guy at the Jalasoft booth thought I was insane.


Anonymous said...

Not as bad as insane, only not exactly accurate ;)

Bernardo Sanchez

pwstrain said...

Let me say I'm a big fan of what Jalasoft is doing. We've been using the product now for about eight months with no complaints. The tech support is responsive, and it just works. It would take a lot of convincing by the folks at Microsoft to make me switch to something else. More so because I'm not familiar at all with the EMC product. And not too convinced about Microsoft supporting it once they 'embed' it.

Useful SCCM Links

Compiled this info for a client, thought I would post it here. I will try to keep it updated. Tutorials. Windows-Noob ( https...